Here are the answers to the most frequently asked questions. We hope you find them useful.

Why choose dried mealworms for your chickens?

For starters, mealworms are a natural food source that chickens would naturally eat in the wild. They are packed with protein, which is essential for building strong muscles and tissues. Plus, mealworms are also rich in important vitamins and minerals, including B vitamins, iron, and calcium.

What is the best way to store mealworms?

1. Keep them in an airtight container: Dried mealworms can absorb moisture from the air, which can cause them to spoil or become moldy. To prevent this, store them in an airtight container such as a plastic or glass jar with a tight-fitting lid.

2. Store them in a cool, dry place: Exposure to heat and moisture can also cause dried mealworms to spoil. To keep them fresh, store them in a cool, dry place such as a pantry or cupboard. Avoid storing them in areas that are exposed to direct sunlight or high humidity.

3. Check for signs of spoilage: Even when stored properly, dried mealworms can go bad if they are old or have been contaminated. Before feeding them to your chickens or other animals, check for any signs of spoilage such as a foul odor, discoloration, or mold. If you notice any of these signs, discard the mealworms and do not feed them to your animals.

By following these tips, you can help ensure that your dried mealworms remain fresh and safe for your animals to consume.

How do I feed dried mealworms to my chickens and how much should I give them?

It's important to remember that dried mealworms should not be the sole source of nutrition for chickens, but rather a supplement to their regular diet of chicken feed and fresh water. As with any food supplement, it's important to introduce dried mealworms gradually and in moderation to avoid overfeeding or digestive issues.

Feeding dried mealworms to your chickens is easy and can be done in a variety of ways.

Here are some tips for feeding dried mealworms to your chickens:

  1. Start with small quantities: It's important to introduce dried mealworms gradually to your chickens to avoid overfeeding or digestive issues. Start by offering a small amount of dried mealworms and gradually increase the amount over time.
  2. Offer them as a treat: Dried mealworms should be offered as a supplement or treat, rather than a replacement for your chicken's regular feed. You can offer them as a standalone snack or mix them in with your chicken's regular feed to add variety to their diet.
  3. Choose an appropriate feeding method: There are a variety of feeding methods that you can use to offer dried mealworms to your chickens. You can sprinkle them on the ground, offer them in a dish or feeder, or scatter them throughout the chicken coop to encourage natural foraging behavior.
  4. Offer fresh water: It's important to provide fresh water at all times when offering dried mealworms to your chickens. This will help keep your chickens hydrated and ensure that they can properly digest the dried mealworms.

As for what amount of dried mealworms to feed your chickens, it's important to remember that they should be given in moderation. A good rule of thumb is to offer no more than 10% of your chicken's daily feed in the form of dried mealworms. For example, if your chickens eat 1/2 cup of feed per day, you could offer them up to 1 tablespoon of dried mealworms as a supplement.

Overall, feeding dried mealworms to your chickens is a great way to provide them with a nutritious and tasty supplement to their regular diet. Just be sure to introduce them gradually and in moderation, and always provide fresh water when feeding them to your chickens. 

What is the nutritional value of your dried mealworms?

Dried mealworms are a highly nutritious food source for chickens and are a popular supplement to their regular diet. Here are some of the nutritional benefits of dried mealworms:

  1. Protein: Dried mealworms are a rich source of protein, which is essential for muscle growth and repair. In fact, they contain around 50% to 60% protein, which is higher than many other commonly used chicken feed supplements.
  2. Fat: Dried mealworms also contain a high amount of fat, which is important for providing chickens with energy. The fat content in dried mealworms can range from 20% to 40%, depending on the brand.
  3. Fiber: Dried mealworms also contain fiber, which helps keep chickens' digestive systems healthy and functioning properly.
  4. Vitamins and minerals: Dried mealworms are a good source of vitamins and minerals that are important for maintaining overall health. They contain high levels of vitamins B1, B2, and B12, as well as iron, calcium, and other essential minerals.
  5. Omega-3 fatty acids: Some brands of dried mealworms are also fortified with omega-3 fatty acids, which have been shown to improve egg quality and support overall health.

Do you offer any discounts or promotions for bulk purchases of dried mealworms?

We offer a "Subscribe and save" program to our loyal customers.

For a chance to win FREE bags of mealworms, follow us on Instagram and participate in our contests.

Do you offer free shipping? 

We offer free ground shipping on all orders within the United States.

You can also choose to have expedited shipping for an extra fee.

Where do Picky Neb mealworms come from?

We grow our mealworms on a farm in the northeastern part of China where the climate is the most suitable for breeding. We closely monitor the production process to meet the highest standards of growing and processing. We only feed non-GMO, organic feed (wheat bran and carrots) to our mealworms.

We are currently exploring options to set up our own facility in the US.

How are your dried mealworms produced and processed?

Our facility is fully approved by FDA and we have all of the certifications that meet the legal requirements. We closely monitor the production to ensure the highest standards of growing and processing are met. 

Are your dried mealworms organic or non-GMO?

We only feed non-GMO, organic feed (wheat bran and carrots) to our mealworms to avoid any sort of genetic contamination.


Do you have any recommendations or tips for keeping chickens healthy and happy? 

Yes, here are some recommendations and tips for keeping chickens healthy and happy:

  1. Provide a clean and safe living environment: Chickens need a clean and safe living environment to stay healthy and happy. This means regularly cleaning their coop and run, ensuring that it is secure and free from predators, and providing ample space for your chickens to move around and stretch their wings.
  2. Offer a balanced diet: Chickens need a balanced diet that includes a variety of nutrients, vitamins, and minerals to stay healthy. A good quality chicken feed is essential, and you can also supplement their diet with fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as treats like dried mealworms.
  3. Ensure access to clean water: Access to clean water is crucial for chickens to maintain good health. Make sure your chickens have fresh water available at all times, and consider using a waterer that prevents the water from becoming dirty or contaminated.
  4. Provide opportunities for natural behavior: Chickens are natural foragers and enjoy scratching, pecking, and dust bathing. Providing them with opportunities to engage in these natural behaviors can help keep them healthy and happy.
  5. Monitor for signs of illness: Regularly monitor your chickens for signs of illness, such as lethargy, lack of appetite, or changes in behavior. Catching illness early can help prevent the spread of disease and keep your chickens healthy.
  6. Socialize and spend time with your chickens: Chickens are social animals and benefit from spending time with their owners. Spending time with your chickens can help reduce stress and improve their overall well-being.

By following these recommendations and tips, you can help ensure that your chickens are healthy and happy, and provide them with a great quality of life.